Friday, March 23, 2012

To run in rain or not to run in rain?

I did it!!  Hear me ROAR!  
Well today's question was to run in the rain or not to run in the rain?!  Well after deciding that I will have to wither post a failure of success I decided not to disappoint you or myself.

And you know what?  2.3 miles in 32min later I feel AWESOME!   (a little slower then the norm since it was raining and I didn't want to kill a ton of worms with my heavy ass running on them...BTW running around worms can be tricky...RIP to those I stomped)

 Okay my pictures are a bit silly but well that's me, and my son was having fun taking shots of me...but really that was enough

 Front of wet not sweat but rain...
Well since I have not posted a before pic this is me now, and lets hope I shrink...

Back of rained on shirt!

Okay so that felt really good and I am happy that I did it!  I guess using rain as an excuse is out :(  Oh man I messed that up for the next
Well time for me to make dinner!  Pork chops, steamed carrots, and fresh fruit!  Have a great night!  


  1. Hi! Just saw your pin to your blog! Congrats for running in the rain! I too have recently joined WW and started the Couch to 5K, on week 3--Heaven help me! Congrats on all your success so far!!

    1. How do you feel? Like I said the first time I did couch to 5k week 5 kicked my ass! I did the one from this time around I am running to my own music as well as another podcast that I found that is based on the coolrunning but has hip hop music instead of techo....makes the run a little easier. I thought I was doing week one day 3 today turns out I did week 2 day one. I wish you the best of luck and hope to hear your updates on here!!!! Maybe if we really get it we could sign up for a 5k some place together!
