Saturday, March 24, 2012

My love, hate relationship with the weekends

I LOVE my weekends being able to spend time with the family taking time to go do things.  On the other hand I also hate the much harder to get my water in for that day.  Like today it's 3pm and I am just now having my first big bottle of water :(  and I have 7 points in for the day which is less then I normally have eaten by this time.  ( Which might result is ever ugly food choices)
Well over all I am having a piss poor attitude today, I'm kinda grouchy and really don't wanna do much but also don't wanna just sit home.
On the up side I started reading the book "Fifty Shades Of Grey" that seems to be pretty good so far.  Only on chapter 6.
I need an attitude adjustment today and this BLAH weather is just not helping.  Wish me luck on the rest of the day.  Maybe I'll look for a great WW desert to made for tonight...treats and a good book will surly at least put a good end to the day.

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