Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I will admit that I am still a little pissy about the scale deal yesterday, but I know that I can't quit on myself...Today  I ate all my points drank a TON of water AND hit the outside again!  3.44 miles!  I started with week 3 day one on the pod cast I am doing for the couch to 5k.  It felt AWESOME!  So I just kept going!  My legs are hurting a little right now but it's all good!  I'd love to excite you with cool meal ideas however I got nothing new it was a work day and I have not gone shopping so today was rather blah and the kids got to have Dominos (trust me they where thrilled to have pizza ("real" pizza)
Here is for a great week!  If I can do it...YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

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