Thursday, March 29, 2012

Runners Knee

So yesterday was an okay day...I ate over my 32 points and enjoyed dipping into my 49 extra.  Well enjoyed it until I came home from my friends Pampered Chef party.  I sat on the couch and felt SOOO guilty for not running  (Mind you yesterday should have been my day of rest)  I felt so bad that at 900 pm I went for a one mile run.  Felt great!

UNTIL this knees have been hurting however today (the day i should be running) I need to be off because there is no way these legs will run me around a small block.  I GOOGLED hurting knee after running and it turns out it's called Runners Knee and is very common.  There is a little muscle in there that is screaming at me!  So a day of rest it is.

I also got flowers at work today from my fiance whom was in the dog house and is now welcome to share the bedroom with me again ;)

SO please LISTEN to your body REST IT!  I hope to make up for me resting tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I will admit that I am still a little pissy about the scale deal yesterday, but I know that I can't quit on myself...Today  I ate all my points drank a TON of water AND hit the outside again!  3.44 miles!  I started with week 3 day one on the pod cast I am doing for the couch to 5k.  It felt AWESOME!  So I just kept going!  My legs are hurting a little right now but it's all good!  I'd love to excite you with cool meal ideas however I got nothing new it was a work day and I have not gone shopping so today was rather blah and the kids got to have Dominos (trust me they where thrilled to have pizza ("real" pizza)
Here is for a great week!  If I can do it...YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

Monday, March 26, 2012


So it's Monday my weigh in day at Weight Watchers....and today was great UNTIL weigh in!  I have been doing pretty darn good with what I have been eating keeping up on my water, hell even running in the rain...and the result you ask?  +0.2 lbs yes I GAINED!  WTF!
Yes, Yes, Yes...I was told that I am putting my body into some serious shock this week by pushing myself with the running and I have been doing 3lbs dumb bells for my arms ( to rid myself of arm flab....well that is the hope)  There for I will have to wait a few weeks to see the weight fall of.
Well guys I am only human and I LOVE FOOD!  And I am an emotional instead of going home and going for a run and seeing what next week brings I am on here telling you that TOMORROW is another day.
This morning I had a banana and a Vita top (3pt and yummy if you have not had them look them up they are pricey but keep you full)
for lunch I had a 7 point Roast beef sandwich with pickles, lettuce, and tomato
snack 3 crackers with spreadable cheese 2.5 points
From the time I woke to the time I weigh in at 5pm I drank 80oz of water (that is my norm maybe that's even a little low)

THEN seeing that I gained we went to the Papas cafe near my place and I ate a BURGER w/ fries ketchup and then to top it all of I also had an ICE CREAM CONE from DQ swirl dipped in Chocolate!   So I had 19.5 points left before weigh in and well ten of those went to DQ and well over 9 1/2 went to Papas....
So yes one would say I dipped into my 49 extra points and I might have felt like an EPIC FAIL on the scale, BUT I felt damn good and proud of myself after ever run this past week.  So now that I have  a full belly that I am pissed about and only kinda regret I will start over tomorrow for it will bring a new attitude and more strength to do it again.  And I will do it!


Sunday, March 25, 2012


see the itty bitty white marks?  I don't want calaused  feet or snake feet...I'm going to FL in  a few weeks I can't have ugly feet  :(  
My first "Boo Boo"  well it does not hurt just looks like my feet will be peeling yucky!  (or calused) I did run today 3+ miles (well I didn't run all of that of course did week 2 day 3 on couch to 5k, and walked after that when I came home to bathe (my shins hurt today not horrible but they hurt) I noticed my poor feet.
Post more later time to get ready to go shopping with my Mom!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

5 1/2 point dinner and Dessert & 5 point dessert

Basil tomato Feta Cheese wrapped in Boneless skinless Chicken tenderloin cooked on my George Foreman 

Fresh Spinach, crushed garlic, red onion, and baby portabella mushrooms cooked in a skillet until spinach is tender

Dessert in the making!  Just add these two things together and bake (or if you have the Tupperware in the microwave for 8 min)  Any cake mix with a can of diet soda.  Use dark soda with dark cake mix, use clear soda with white cake mix.  It's 4points per serving (12 servings per box)

 Dinner...Feta Stuffed Chicken, Spinach w/mushrooms, Strawberries and bananas

 Cake made in the microwave for 8 min w/ 2 tbs of Lite cool whip (1pt) 5 pt dessert

I did go on a run today, but I must say the only reason I got that ONE MILE (yes only one mile) in was because my fiance pissed me off and I needed fresh air.  I know not very inspiring...sorry but I went out non the less and did that one mile 12 minutes.  Came home and made dinner...this meal is very simple and takes very little time.  I hope you all had a great Saturday!  I am going to watch a few movies (Jack and Jill and Breaking Dawn) then snuggle up and read some more of my book.   SO despite being BLAH I had a pretty good health day...

My love, hate relationship with the weekends

I LOVE my weekends being able to spend time with the family taking time to go do things.  On the other hand I also hate the much harder to get my water in for that day.  Like today it's 3pm and I am just now having my first big bottle of water :(  and I have 7 points in for the day which is less then I normally have eaten by this time.  ( Which might result is ever ugly food choices)
Well over all I am having a piss poor attitude today, I'm kinda grouchy and really don't wanna do much but also don't wanna just sit home.
On the up side I started reading the book "Fifty Shades Of Grey" that seems to be pretty good so far.  Only on chapter 6.
I need an attitude adjustment today and this BLAH weather is just not helping.  Wish me luck on the rest of the day.  Maybe I'll look for a great WW desert to made for tonight...treats and a good book will surly at least put a good end to the day.

Friday, March 23, 2012

To run in rain or not to run in rain?

I did it!!  Hear me ROAR!  
Well today's question was to run in the rain or not to run in the rain?!  Well after deciding that I will have to wither post a failure of success I decided not to disappoint you or myself.

And you know what?  2.3 miles in 32min later I feel AWESOME!   (a little slower then the norm since it was raining and I didn't want to kill a ton of worms with my heavy ass running on them...BTW running around worms can be tricky...RIP to those I stomped)

 Okay my pictures are a bit silly but well that's me, and my son was having fun taking shots of me...but really that was enough

 Front of wet not sweat but rain...
Well since I have not posted a before pic this is me now, and lets hope I shrink...

Back of rained on shirt!

Okay so that felt really good and I am happy that I did it!  I guess using rain as an excuse is out :(  Oh man I messed that up for the next
Well time for me to make dinner!  Pork chops, steamed carrots, and fresh fruit!  Have a great night!